понеделник, 21 декември 2015 г.

ЗА СТЕФАН МАРИНОВ - ФБ - 21.12.2015.

Българският гений, който създаде енергия от нищото и отрече Айнщайн!

Катя Стоянова
Бих казала, че той със сигурност се надсмива на сънародниците си от отвъдното, че плащат огромни сметки за електрически ток, когато е създал нещо, което не струва нищо. Създал го е за всички нас! А на енергийната мафия в България изобщо не и се нрави да се чува името на Стефан Маринов.

 Чували ли сте някога за Стефан Маринов? Сигурно много от вас си нямат ни най – малка представа кой е този човек. Въпреки това обаче вече 16 години след мистериозната му смърт той е един от най – известните по цял свят българи. Не са никак малко учените учили се от него, не са малко и учените по света, които го цитират и привеждат негови тези в действие. Как тогава се получава, така че един българин да е световно известен в научните среди, а и не само, а в България – неговата родина почти никой да не е чувал за него?

Стефан Маринов е роден през 1931г. в София. Майка му Галина е сестра на бележитата наша актриса Адриана Будевска. Баща му Марин Маринов е юрист (близък приятел на проф. Нисим Меворах, баща на поета Валери Петров). Родителите му се изучили в Мюнхен. В семейството гостуват художници, артисти, писатели - Константин Щъркелов, Иван Лазаров, Елин Пелин...
Проф. Стефан Маринов
Завършва физика в Пражкия университет и след това в Софийския, после завършва и Висшето военноморско учи­лище във Варна. Пътува като капитан на чешки кораб, после постъпва на работа в БАН в секцията по физика. Владее до съвършенство руски, чешки, полски, английски, немски, френски, италиански. На тези езици съчинява стихове, а на български пише блестяща сатирична проза в епистоларна форма.
60-те и 70-те години на миналия век никак не били леки за човека, за който може би един ден ще казваме, че е променил света. По това време той е бил обект на политически гонения в България заради възгледите му, през 1977г. той емигрира от родината си. През 1978г. започва да живее постоянно във Вашингтон, по – късно ще живее в Италия и Австрия също. През 1997 г. загива, падайки от седмия етаж на университетската библиотека в Грац (Австрия). Макар и оставил прощално писмо, обстоятелствата около смъртта му са подозрителни. Негови колеги физици допускат, че е бил хвърлен от прозореца. И лансират версията за намеса на нефтени, електрически или газови кампании, застрашени от „алтернативните безплатни енергии".

Стефан Маринов всъщност е станал известен не с бурния си житейски опит, а главно с неговата работа. Като човек завършил физика в два много добри за времето си университета, мечтата на живота му е била да създаде машина “Перпетум Мобиле”. Идеята му била странна, не много нова, а и в голяма част вече разработена от други, но важното е че неговата работа я е доразработила в много отношения. Той създал така наречената машина “тестатика”, която буквално правила електрически ток от нищото. Най–мощната такава машина документирана досега е в състояние да създаде около 30 киловата електричество, което никак не е малко като се има предвид, че всичко от което има нужда е просто магнитно поле. Интересното около тази машина, е че има една общност намираща се в Швейцария, която твърди, че притежава 6 такива. По последнa информация, на която случайно попаднах Китай също в момента се опитва да разработи своя машина “тестатика”, но в много по – големи мащаби, което ако се случи ще промени коренно съотношението на световния енергиен пазар.
"Тестатика", така е наречен един генератор за енергия в Швейцария, в християнската община-кооператив, с име Methernita, не използващ никакви външни източници, но доставящ електричество в продължение на по-вече от 30 (!) години в количества достатъчни за задоволяване на цялата община, включително и намиращите се там производствени работилници. Изобретателят Проф. Стефат Маринов е нарекъл своето устройство Swiss M-L converter , Thesta-Distatica, и заявил, че е получил описанието на конструкцията и принципите на работа по-време на медитация. От техническа гледна точка, устройството представлява модернизиран електростатичен генератор на Вимшурст, дисковете на който са способни да се въртят постоянно за сметка на силите на електростатичното взаимодействие. В конструкцията също са включени постоянни магнити.
Машина с диаметър на дисковете 20 сантиметра произвежда около 200 Вата мощност, голямата машина има дискове с диаметър 2 метра и произвежда около 30 Киловата. Детайлно описание на конструкцията може да бъде получено от Ted Bart, Haltenstarsse 5A, 8912 Obfelden, Switzerland, или от Швейцарската Асоциация за Свободна Енергия.

В заключение- "Тестатика" - име на генератор на "чиста" енергия, или наука- не официално призната!!!
Закономерен въпрос - И защо?
Защо до ден днешен този генератор не стои във всеки дом и всеки цех?

Според някои непроверени данни при гласуване в общността на предложението ”за предоставяне технологията на машината „Тестатика” на всички заинтересувани по света”, единственият глас „Да” е бил на Българския професор Стефан Маринов, който както вече споменах загива при загадъчни обстоятелства, като преди това построява образци на два 300 ватови работни модели на генератора Тестатика.
Той отрича Айнщайн. Непознат в България, тачен в чужбина, физикът антирелативист Стефан Маринов е една от най-необикновените личности на нашето съвремие. Определя себе си като „дисидент пред дисидентите", а западните му колеги без уговорки го зоват „български гений". В скалата на големите умове го поставят и руските му колеги. На трудовете и личността му са посветени стотици интернет страници - изследователски и възпоменателни. Присъства и в световната енциклопедия Wikipeida.
Видео материали свързани с тази енергия - ВИДЕО  I ВИДЕО I ВИДЕО IВИДЕО I ВИДЕО I ВИДЕО
Цялата биография на българския гений Стефан Маринов четете ТУК

Четете още на: http://www.budnaera.com/2013-04/2013-11-21_01.html#.VngjL5tsIwR.facebook#ixzz3uyvpUDvX
Научете за преследването на Фалун Гонг от Китайската комунистическа партия

За Стефан Маринов

Той отрича Айнщайн. Непознат в България, тачен в чужбина, физикът антирелативист Стефан Маринов е една от най-необикновените личности на нашето съвремие. Определя себе си като „дисидент пред дисидентите", а западните му колеги без уговорки го зоват „български гений". В скалата на големите умове го поставят и руските му колеги. На трудовете и личността му са посветени стотици интернет страници - изследователски и възпоменателни. Присъства и в световната енциклопедия Wikipeida.
А от самия него за тукашната публика е останала уникалната му книга „Изыди, Сатана!" (странно подобие на „Житие и страдание грешного Софрония").

За Маринов ще научите много от сайтовете, посветени на „алтернативните енергии", малко - в емигрантските чатове, където все някой ще фолклоризира зевзещините му.

Литератски опит да го извади от забравата направи доц. д-р Миглена Николчина в посветено нему есе („Семинарът като начин на употреба", 2003 г.). То не доби публичност, но поне го има в мрежата на английски, та да отсрамва националната ни памет.

Той не бил дисидент според познатите му. Просто казвал, което мисли. Имал „дарбата да не оставя отстояние между мислене, говорене и действие. И минава през ада на комунистическите преследвания - разпити, психиатрия, конфискация на имущество, тормоз на семейството му... Разпрата му с комунизма е артистична, остроумна и пакостливо-изобретателна".

Само че за разлика от други политемигранти, които - веднъж напуснали соц-а - намират зад граница своя ниша на покой, Маринов не мирясва. И става персона нонграта и в Западна Европа, и в САЩ.

Защо? Защото оборва по­стулатите на традиционната физика и доказва, че абсолютното пространство на Нютон съществува. Изхож­дайки от този теоретичен извод, той започва експери­менти за измерване абсолютната Скорост на Земята. Изгонен от БАН, дисквалифициран като учен, основава през 1974 г. своя Лаборатория по фундаментални физически проблеми - със седалище във фамилния му дом на ул. „Елин Пелин" в София. От там поддържа научна корес­понденция с именити физици и сътрудничи в световната научна периодика.

През 1977 г. е екстрадиран. Живее в Белгия, САЩ, Франция, Италия, Австрия. (Виж разказа за живота му в емиграция на стр. 19). През 1997 г. загива, падайки от седмия етаж на университетската библиотека в Грац (Австрия). Макар и оставил прощално писмо, обстоятелствата около смъртта му са подозрителни. Негови колеги физици допускат, че е бил хвърлен от прозореца. И лансират версията за намеса на нефтени, електрически или газови кампании, застрашени от „алтернативните безплатни енергии".

Такава била традицията. В Средновековието алтернативно мислещите учени са горени на клада, през социализма - пращани по лагери и лудници, а сега демократично изхвърляни през прозорците на библиотеките.

По спомени на негови близки той притежавал уникално жизнелюбие и издръжливост, невероятно чувство за хумор, любов към природата, спорта. Водел спартански начин на живот и никога не направил компромис с истината. Тази фанатична „абсолютистка" нетърпимост към лъжата го превръща в дразнител и вредител на „статуквото" - било то идеологическо, социално или научно.

Стефан Маринов е роден през 1931 г. в София. Майка му Галина е сестра на бележитата наша актриса Адриана Будевска. Баща му Марин Маринов е юрист (близък приятел на проф. Нисим Меворах, баща на поета Валери Петров). Родителите му се изучили в Мюнхен. В семейството гостуват художници, артисти, писатели - Константин Щъркелов, Иван Лазаров, Елин Пелин...

Стефан следва физика в Прага, после завършва и Висшето военноморско учи­лище във Варна. Пътува като капитан на чешки кораб, после постъпва на работа в БАН в секцията по физика. Владее до съвършенство руски, чешки, полски, английски, немски, френски, италиански. На тези езици съчинява стихове, а на български пише блестяща сатирична проза в епистоларна форма.

Навярно недоверчивият читател ще рече: „Абе, я се разкарайте с ваш'те набедени гении! Тоя си е луд." Е, не е! Може да е спорно, че е гений. Но сигурно, че смахнат не е. Макар животът му да е низ от бунтове срещу общоприетото и конвенционалното.

Романтизмът създаде жанра роман в писма, а социализмът и идиотизмът жанра „роман в заявления". Така определя творбата си „Изыди, Сатана!" Маринов. Тя включва кореспонденция с инстанции като БАН и МВР, с държавни глави като Тодор Живков, Джими Картър Жискар д'Естен, Брежнев и др. Книгата той издава сам през 1981 г. в Австрия. Ин­криминирана е. Преиздава я през 1982 г. Пише я на огромна пишеща машина IBM, която непрестанно влачи със себе си. Така е и отпечатана - като факсимиле на ръкописа.

Този неизвестен на българските читатели литературен феномен е оценяван като върхово постижение на модерната сатира.

В края на живота си Айнщайн признава, че би се отказал от всичките си трудове, ако би могъл да напише "Братя Карамазови". За подобни подмени Стефан Маринов не копнее. Таланта си той вгражда и в литературата.

"Цялата световна налудна система ще разклатя, брате! , писмо до до полк. Георги Гогов (Полк. Георги Гогов е поет любител, автор на стихосбирката „Строго секретно"), зав. служба „Задгранични паспорти”

Брате Гогов, спомних си оная приказка, дето питали един шоп има ли разлика между лъжец и идеолог. „Па има - отговорил шопът, - како да нема: он лажецо, гяволо, знае дека лаже, идеолого сам си верува хаирсъзино."

Ами ти бре, брате Гогов, ти, като лъжеш, вярваш ли си? Кажи в коя категория да те сложим? Ти ще кажеш: „Аз не съм идеолог, аз пердаша." Пердашиш, пердашиш - ясно, а стихчета не пописваш ли?* Значи идеологстваш... Мирчо Спасов, ако че беше такъв дръвник, сам ти е казал веднъж (както ти ми каза): „Абе, Гогов, откога и ние, джандарите, почнахме хекзаметри да пишем." Ама ти - на - не слушаш началника си, като те учи на ум и разум - хвърлиш бича и палката, измиеш си ръцете от кръвта, па сядаш пред бял лист хартия и почваш рими да търсиш. Затова, Гогов, и такива пропуски допускаш в паспортните дела. Мъчиш се с поетите от другите епохи да се сравняваш... Къде си ръгнал Пушкина да гониш. Остави го ти тоя шантав граф - той освен Екатерина Велика да наклеца, за друго за какво е мислел? Сравнявай се ти с Гешев. Ето ти тебе образец и пример за подражание. А каква ти е приликата: само тази, че имената ви почват на буква „Г". Ами то и говното тогава ще се обади: „И аз почвам на буква „Г"."

Къде беше Гешев, Гогов, къде си ти?! Гешев държеше партията в ръчичките си - с централните й комитети, с бойните й групи, а ти един алтав дисидент, дето няма пет пари да си купи каиш, да си препаше гащите, не можа да сгащиш, ами да вземеш с кой акъл бе, Гогов, да го упущиш да щръклее по цяла Европа. Сега скимти същият алтав дисидент, иска пак да ти се напъха в ръчичките, а ти въртиш гегата и го пъдиш: „Къш да те няма, не те искаме!" Представи си ти за миг, че Трайчо Костов отишъл при Гешев и му се плези: „Аде бе, Гешев, а вкарай ме в затвор, ако си ербап!" А Гешев да се прави на три и половина, ужким не го забелязва. Ей, туй чудо Гогов, не бяхме доживели - до къде се изроди пролетарската диктатура...

Нормалното, Гогов, е полицаят да пази волнодумеца да не излезе от затвора, а ти - точно обратното: пазиш волнодумеца да не се напъха в затвора. Така е, Гогов, когато почнат джандарите стихове да пописват.

Гогов, ти ми стана по-мил на сърцето.

Разбери, брате, голям джумбуш тъкмя: до година време цялата световна налудничава система ще разклатя - и източната, и западната. Но главно източната. Предупреждавам те, после да не кажеш: „Ей бе, Стефане, по бели гащи ни сгащи тая твоята акция."

Такъв резонанс може да се получи, че империята от зад Урала да се заклати. Се га още кой ме знае, кой ме познава. Какво му е да ме хлопнете в някоя тъмна ули ца. А утре - и да ме хлопате късно. Но лесно, Гогов, няма да се дам - това да го знаеш Макар че ми омръзна по тая земя да шетам гол и бос. Искам час по-скоро да си се кача при дяда Господа на небето, да си попапквам и попийвам с другите светци и да си гледам кефа на старини из райските градини.

С мъжка прегръдка и с твърдата вяра, че не си роб на Сатаната:

Твой любещ те брат: Стефан (1981 г.)



Стефан Маринов, гениален български физик, основател и директор на Института по фундаментална физика в Грац (Австрия), описва явлението „двукомпонентност на магнитното поле". Въз основа на своята теория той изгражда ред експериментални прибори, между които и „моторът на Маринов",
 (сп. „ТОП 100")
Известният европейски учен проф. Стефан Маринов е един от изобретателите на самоускоряващия се генератор „сибирский Коля", базиран на открития от него „Скалярен магнитен интензитет 5".
(Алберт Тимашев)
Стефан Маринов е гениален български физик и откривател, изобретил множество функциониращи етерни двигатели).
(Петер Аиндеман)
Стефан Маринов е изтъкнат български физик и изкусен експериментатор на нашето съвремие, завършил през 1997 г. живота си със странно самоубийство*.
(Сп. „Космическа генетика")
Активен инициатор и организатор на научни търсения за създаване на генератори на свободна енергия е нестандартният учен физик Стефан Маринов, имал щастието да наблюдава лично работата на генератора на Пол Бауман, считан за първия изобретател, осъществил мечтата на човечеството за перпетуум мобиле.
(Г. В. Николаев, „Криза във фундаменталната физика")


 превод от http://padrak.com/ine/NEN_5_5_2.html.

By Dr. Robert W. Bass

Маринов, според мен, бе един истински гений в това, че отлично разбираше и боравеше с класическата теоретична физика в голяма дълбочина при това оставайки изключително добър експерименталист, който е изобретил, изработил и изпробвал голямо количество МНОГО сложни електро-механични и хидро-електромагнетични уреди и системи.

Родом българин (бивш асистент-професор по физика от 1960 до 1974 в Софийския университет) през годините 1966-67, 74 и 77 бива насилствено вкаран в психиатрична болница и „лекуван” заради политическите си възгледи. През 1977 успява да получи паспорт за чужбина и през 1978 вече живее във Washington, D.C. По-късно живее в Италия и Австрия. Той владееше до съвършенство английски, немски, руски и говореше други езици. [ето тук има оригинали на негови статии, писани на немски, италаиански и английски. За предните два езика не знам какво му е било нивото, но английският е на много високо ниво, сякаш е роден с него]

Бе въвлечен в множество спорове с редактора на сп. Nature, който отказваше да печата статиите му и писмата до редактора. Маринов бе принуден да закупи цяла рекламна страница в списанието, където да изложи огорчението си от догматичното отношение на установените научни среди.

Той твърдеше, че е видял в действие и е разгадал тайната на така нареченият Швейцарски ML конвертор или Тестатика, електрически генератор, който черпи електрическа енергия от околното пространство, открит от Пол Бауман, ръководител на 500 членната християнска религиозна комуна Метернита в Швейцария. Те сами произвеждат електричеството си с такъв генератор, чиято тайна не желаят да споделят с „пропадналия” свят. Стефан множество пъти се е опитвал да ги накара да споделят тайната си с останалата част от човечеството, но без успех.

Написал е книгата „Божествен Електромагнетизъм” ("Divine Electromagnetism") която допринася за разпадането на теориите за класическият електро-магнетизъм, който сега се изучава, добре разкривайки някои аспекти от него, които са били покрити и удобно забравени от установените научни среди.

Прехраната си е изкарвал като коняр но научният му път като писател и изобретател е бил плодовит и е имал много последователи, които са получавали списанието му „Немска физика” (Deutsche Physik). То е било насочено най-вече към младата аудиенция – децата, чиито мозъци още не са вкоравени от митовете на общо установените фалшиви схващания.

Беше абсолютно убеден, че е опровергал всички догматично приети аспекти на конвенционалният електромагнетизъм (законът за силата на Лоренз-Ампер, скоростта на светлината, етера, Мичелсон-Морли и т.н.)

Изследвайки първото издания на книгата му открих грешка във векторните калкулации и му писах, но в отговор той ми изпрати второто издание което друг математик вече беше коригирал.

Беше 66 годишен но изглеждаше доста по-млад (44, най-много 50, вижте http://digilander.libero.it/altraenergia/marinov.html) и притежаваше неповторима харизма, излъчваше магнетична жизненост, ентусиазъм, което го правеше аттрактивна личност. Мога да си представя огорчението му от нежеланието на установените научни среди да изслушат твърденията му, че е успял да измери течението на етера и го е открил във въртенето на Земята (например някои ежедневни колебания). Вероятно е успял да измери ежедневните колебания в скоростта на светлината. Едно нещо, останало в паметта ми че чертежите на множеството му изобретения изглеждаха много професионално и убедително, също така и снимките на устройствата създадени от него, в същото време той очевидно е прекарал много хиляди часове над изключително сложните математичните изчисления в повечето от които не успявах да открия и най-малка грешка (малцина теоретици са били също така добри в практическата част).

Публикувал е подробни планове на хидравлично-електро-магнетична машина извличаща енергия от „нищото” документирана със снимков материал, при все това никой не е проявил и най-малък интерес към нея.

Извадки от негова кореспонденция

"За Брюксел отлетях през септември 1977 г. Книгата ми „Епур си муове" (,,И все пак се върти") бе отпечатана през декември. През януари 1978 г. заедно с Мирман, Пеликан и др. леви дисиденти организирахме голям форум, посветен на десетгодишнината от Пражката пролет (1968). Аз бях член на белгийския подготвителен комитет и предложих текстът на плаката да бъде: „Dix hivers apres un printemp". (Десет зими след една пролет) Белгийските леви казаха, че текстът е надут и непонятен за масите, с което доказаха, че левите" задушават живота и оригинална мисъл още преди идването си на власт.

В края на януари 1978 г. заплатих порядъчна сума за една разкошна зала и проведох сам пресконференция в дома на печата в Брюксел. На тази конференция заедно с една чешка емигрантка, Ева Худова, заснехме 35-минутен цветен филм „Стефан Маринов - дисидент пред дисидентите", който никоя телевизия не искаше да купи. Всички вложени от нас пари пропаднаха по формулата „пари-стока-без пари". Всички мои производствени операции в капиталистическия Запад винаги преминават по тази формула и не разбирам откъде Маркс прави извода за формулата „пари-стока-пари".

През февруари 1978 г. посетих Сахаров в Москва, за да си изясня поддържа ли той моята теория или не.

През април направих демонстрация пред паметника на св. Вацлав в Прага в защита на ХАРТА-77, за да покажа, че в осеммилионна България има поне един човек, осмеляващ се да я защити публично. Полицията ме арестува, преби ме, конфискува ми всичко и през нощта ме изхвърли тайно в Западна Германия.

През юни заминах за САЩ, за космологическата конференция в Кливланд и за да чета лекция в НАСА. Прекарах най-прекрасно шест месеца, Вследствие на изпратеното от мен трето, много рязко писмо до президента Картър през декември ме екстрадираха.

През март 1979 г. посетих Айнщайновия симпозиум в Берн. Исках да демонстрирам моя диференциален експеримент със „скачените спусъци", но организаторът -проф. Мерсие, не разреши, като ми поясни, че симпозиумът не е панаир.

През юни заедно с граф Лелио Галатери ди Дженола и Сунилия, в чиято вила живея и до ден-днешен, организирахме Първия международен конгрес на науката и религията в Рим.

През ноември посетих Прага, за да известя за моето самозапалване през януари 1980 г. пред съветското посолство в Париж, ако Картър не предприеме нещо за освобождаване на политическия затворник в СССР Юрий Орлов. Тук отново бях арестуван и екстрадиран. Този път не ме биха.

Два дни преди моето самозапалване в Париж мъжагите на Жискар д'Естен ме арестуваха и ме затвориха в психиатрия, но след като моите приятели съобщиха по телевизията за този срамен акт, ме освободиха и цяла седмица ме конвоираха денонощно. С тяхната полицейска кола обиколих цял Париж и гостувах на моя приятел Димитър Бакалов в Houiles, който нагости цялата ни банда със свинско със зеле и прекрасно вино. Така че мъжагите на Жискар се натискаха да се целуват с нас. И пак ме екстрадираха.

Моята януарска акция в Париж бе подкрепена от фракцията на християндемо­кратическите партии в Европейския парламент, на чието заседание говорих на 7 януари в Брюксел. След мен се изказаха половин дузина депутати и приеха решение да предложат на парламента да се обърне с молба към Върховния съвет на СССР за освобождаване на Орлов.

През август взех участие в Петия антивоенен поход като единствен представител на източно европейските страни. Написах музиката и текста на неговия марш. Произнесох реч пред входа на американската ракетна база Кемп Дерби, където даже министърът на отбраната Лагорио няма право да влиза. Като бивш капитан от българските военноморски сили извиках коменданта на базата, за да му връча нашия призив за мир, братство и любов. След дъпго чакане, при рисувахме счупени пушки по асфалта, се появи някакъв лейтенант. Заявих му, че ще разговарям само с чин, равен на моя, и предоставих на цивилните да връчат посланието, с което лейтенантът вероятно си е избърсал задника. (Но бяхме намерили такава хартия, та като си бърше задника, да го стърже като гласпапир.)

На втори септември италианската полиция ме извести, че ако до 10 дни не на пусна страната, ще бъда екстрадиран с прилагане на груба сила. Недоумявах: „Мене - член на италианската социалистическа партия - ме изхвърлят като надрискало къщата коте."

Но на френската граница на два пъти ме реекстрадираха обратно в Италия, ама втория път здравата ме напердашила. Неотдавна един беден тунизиец 20 пъти французи и италианци го прехвърляха като волей­болна топка от едната граница към другата. Тунизиецът не издържа и се обеси в тоалетната на вагона. ...Живея сега нелегално в Италия, макар че това е известно на полицията, и когато шефът на отдел "Чужденци" при квестурата на Генуа – марешапо Бочи, ме видя неотдавна на улицата, само възкликна: „Sei ancora qui maledetto?" (Ти още ли си тук бе, проклетнико?) и като издигна ръце към небето, събра три пръста и се скри от моите усмихващи се очи в тълпата... (1981 г.)"
* * *

Перото ми жули, др. Председател!
Писмо до акад. Ангел Балевски
Толкова много имаме да си кажем, др. Председател, а малко време ни дава животът да останем с вас двамката насаме да излезем от безпросветния коловоз на ежедневието и да се поразмислим за тайнството на живота, за Бога, за Сатана­та... Днес е 4 октомври, а на 11 ноември ще трябва да се заливам с бензин на някаква си римска улица и да се паля, та чиновниците зад завесите На съветското посолство да се кикотят, като ме гледат как ще пращя, ще се нажежавам и ще хвърлям искри, а журналистите да сноват насам-натам, да щракат с фотоапаратите, а после да тичат по редакциите, белким дотькмят още някой хонорарец...

Тъй че още месец ни остава, др. Председател!

„Ехе-хе - ще кажете вие, -за месец такова перо като твоето, Маринов, стотици страници може да нажули, та след туй секретарката ми да изостане три дни с академичната кореспонденция, докато чете крадешком пи­санията ти..."

Оборил Маринов Айнщайн - голяма работа! Нямал си Маринов работа, зарязал жени, деца, умувал, праскал, писал - оборил Айнщайн. Хубаво - окачи му един медал от тиква, върбово клонче сложи на главата му... Ами тия стотици хиляди долари за Нобел нали трябва от нечий джоб да се измъкнат. Стотици майки по света да се разплачат..

Още материали - статии от Стефан Маринов

[*] -- всъщност, "самоубийството му" и до днес е под въпрос. Той изхвърча от прозореца на градската библиотека и пада на стълбите, никой не го е видял да скача, а е имал е назначени срещи с колеги за следващия ден, посещения на кондеренция и др. Полицията на часа покрива случая (а Маринов е бил известна личност), не съобщават в новините. Една от версиите е, че е бил убит от британските тайни служби.


неделя, 20 декември 2015 г.

Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History - ФБ - 21.12.2015.

Dark Secrets From The Wealthiest Family In World History

We live in a time where the world’s most recognizable people are celebrities: thanks to the media these are the people plastered on every television, movie, and magazine cover.
Being a banker is difficult due the public’s overwhelming negative attitude towards banking, but even more so with celebrities who are constantly being exposed to the public. Before the media got into full swing with celebrity exposure, there was one family that was still recognizable: the Rothschild family.
A lot can be said for the Rothschild family: they had an impossible amount of money and power across the world, and were influential in how some of the most important moments in the last two centuries played out.
For today’s society, it’s hard to know too much about the Rothschild family since they are so secretive, and that they don’t appear to have the same influence over world affairs as they once did after a spread of wealth. Heck, some people still think that they are lizard people of the New World Order that are using us all as puppets, and flying black helicopters over our houses.
Basically, people just know that they were very rich, and were based out of Europe. There are some interesting facts about the family that you should know about as well. They include everything from secret societies, wars, incest, and just about everything else you would expect from a dysfunctional family, not a wealthy one. Here are 10 dark secrets from the wealthiest family in world history: the Rothschild.
#10 – There Is A Long Line Of Incest
When your family has a lot more money than people know what to do with, and just as much power, it can be tempting to not want to have that compromised by outside families marrying their way in. The way that the Rothschild family kept out some of the people that were only after their money: was by marrying each other. As weird as it sounds, it was at least a good financial strategy.
The entire incestual movement was spearheaded by the founder of the family: Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He set the whole line up so that the female members of the Rothschild family were very limited in their marriage options when it came to getting their inheritance. The only way to make absolutely sure that they would be getting money in the future was by marrying their cousins.
#9 – Some Were Very Power Hungry

Money can be the root of all evil, and it can also make someone a bit power hungry if they aren’t careful. A lot of the members of the Rothschild family were thought to have a huge interest on the power of their country, and considered themselves to be even above the laws and lawmakers. Amschel Rothschild is claimed to have once said: “Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws.”
What that essentially boils down to, is that they believed that they could set their own rules as long as they had enough money. And as you could probably tell: a lot of them did have enough money to set themselves above kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, and whatever type of ruler each country had. It was an impressive collection of power that the Rothschild owned.
#8 – They Dictated The Price Of Gold
Some would argue that the price of gold is still to this day being decided by the Rothschild family. In 2004, Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Sons pulled out of the gold business, and any other precious metals, giving up their spot to Barclays. The Rothschild family having a say in the price of gold started back in 1919: when the five leading traders of the industry met twice a day to set the price.
This gave the Rothschild family and their colleagues a lot of power over the people that held onto gold as their most valuable asset, and a lot of people are still doing it today. For that long span between 1919 and 2004, the meetings were held each day at the N M Rothschild and Sons offices. There have been several allegations of corruption in the time that they were still fixing the price, and after it.
#7 – And The US Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve System is a bank that is privately owned, and is where the United States keeps most of its money. One of the major US Federal Reserve banks is located in New York City, and is owned by those outside of the country. It is widely believed that both the Rothschild family, and Rockefeller family both had a major say in the US Federal Reserve.
Now, the extent of their interest in the Federal Reserve has been massively debated. Some claim that there was no interest at all, but others believe that the Rothschild family had just as much power in America as they did in many of the European countries, and that owning all of the major banks was a secret that the Rothschild family could keep. The full amount of American money was never disclosed.
#6 – Many Are Believed To Be Satanists
Here is another secret that will be debated until the end of time: many of the witnesses that entered their home claim that the Rothschild family were filled with Satan worshippers. According to these same witnesses, the Rothschild family would set a spot at the table for the Dark Lord himself, and that nobody was allowed to sit in it. This one has been hard to confirm, but the reports have been numerous.
To add a little more intrigue to the situation, some of the family members would sign their name on documents with the Seal of Solomon. Although the seal is mainly regarded as a symbol of the Jewish people, it was not the official symbol at the time. Instead it was seen as a largely unused symbol that was used only by magicians, and Satanists in previous years. That is another debate that will still rage on.
#5 – They Had Ties To Secret Societies
You have heard many conspiracy theorists talk about secret societies like the Illuminati and the Freemasons, but most of that talk started with the Rothschild family. Either they are completely embracing the rumors and cracking fun at the situation, or they truly do have some interest in the secret underworld and its finances. Because there are those that will always try to expose the members in the supposed Illuminati, there are a lot of clues that were uncovered.
One interesting clue that might suggest that the Rothschild family really is invested into secret societies: is stemming from World War I. Since the Rothschild family was present for the treaty that was signed at the end, people reported that a part of the treaty included them taking over the Bavarian Illuminati that was founded in 1776. Since the society is secret, you may never find out the details.
#4 – They Have Bankrolled Many Major Wars
Since the Rothschild family controlled reportedly half of the money in the world, they were the ones that were able to fund most of the major wars that have happened over the past 200 or so years. The Rothschild family has funded everything from the Napoleonic Wars to the World Wars of the 20th century. By loaning money to governments instead of individuals, it has been able to make them the most powerful family in the history of the world.
At the end of each war, the Rothschild family started to see dollar signs when the loans started coming back, and more money was needed by other countries for their rebuilding efforts. When the banks were all decimated because of the war, there was only one place to turn, and that was the Rothschild. Perhaps this is why they considered themselves to be above the law in most countries.
#3 – They Had Very Strange Parties
One thing that doesn’t help the Illuminati rumors in the slightest: are the odd parties that the Rothschild family has held. The most notable, and telling, one that there are photographs from was back in 1972. Just to get it started: the invitations were sent in reverse so that you needed a mirror to see what was written on the invitation, and when you arrived at the building the lights out front were completely red.
A lot of these parties involved some very odd choices in style that included: wearing animal style heads, and masks with multiple faces. The photos of the party seemed like it was something straight out of a Lady Gaga video, if that gives you any clue on how weird it really was. They also had a strange fascination with birdcages, but that’s perhaps because Salvador Dali was a family friend.
#2 – They Could Be Hiding Up To $650 Billion
The Rothschild family is, without a doubt, the richest family in the history of the world. It is strange to not see any of their names listed on Forbes each year in terms of the richest individuals, but as a family, they are still rich. The family has claimed that through assets they have a net worth estimated to be at about $350 billion. The reason for this being that spreading the bloodline away from incest has caused some deluding in the assets.
However, there are many that still estimate that the Rothschild family is still the world’s leader, with over $1 trillion in net worth. That’s because for some, it is hard to believe that a family who has someone that is worth $50 billion (Jacob Rothschild) and $20 billion (Sir Evelyn De Rothschild) can only be worth that $350 billion when all of them are added up.
#1 – Nathan Rothschild Cheated His Way To Owning England’s Finances
Perhaps something that nobody would be able to get away with now, Nathan Rothschild essentially owned all of England’s finances after the Battle of Waterloo. Since he had connections, Nathan was able to get word before anybody else that the Battle of Waterloo was not a lost cause. Everyone else, on the other hand, considered it to be a loss that would devastate the country.
From there it’s believed that Nathan went directly to the London Stock Exchange, and sold all of his bonds in the British government. When seen doing so, everyone else in the building did the same thing, causing the price to drop to almost nothing. When the prices were at a new low, Nathan bought back all of his bonds, as well as everyone else that sold their’s in a way of getting even more power.

The Huge Secret That Princess Diana Knew - FB - 21.12.2015.

The Huge Secret That Princess Diana Knew

This is only a fractional part of a very long document [Note: I’ve posted the full document. – Ed.] about the parasitic murdering reptiles known as the Royal Family of England and what princess Diana discovered about them.  Some people may find this totally unbelievable and shocking!
There have also been questions about whether Diana is even buried on the island. In the Summer of 1998, the Star magazine in the United States quoted an unnamed “senior source” at Buckingham Palace as saying she was secretly cremated and according to a report in the Los Angeles Times some people in the village of Great Brington also don’t believe she is buried on the island. I know these reports are true from my own sources.
One resident quoted by the LA Times said that the night her coffin was taken to Althorp for burial, the village had been ‘invaded’ by the army, police and special forces units, and all the villagers were hustled into their homes. She said that the crematorium at the church was working late into the night. Betty Andrews, the former cook and housekeeper at Althorp, is quoted by Star magazine as saying:

“There’s a strange feeling amongst the villagers that we may not be hearing the complete picture”.
While researching this book I was introduced to Christine Fitzgerald, a brilliant and gifted healer, who was a close friend and confidant of Diana for nine years. Because of Christine’s understanding of the esoteric, Diana was able to talk to her about matters she would not dare to share with anyone else for fear of being dubbed crazy. It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family’s genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and she used to say in all seriousness: “They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana using this description of the Windsors.
As her deprogramming continued, Arizona Wilder remembered clearly a ritual she attended at Clarence House, the Queen Mother’s home near to Buckingham Palace, in which Diana was shown who the Windsors really are. It took place in the first seven days of July 1981, just before Diana and Charles were married on the 29th.
This period is the last seven days of the cycle of the Oak Tree, according to esoteric law, and the ritual was called The Awakening of the Bride. This is a ritual for all females of the 13 bloodlines who are going to be in publicly high positions and marry reptilians to produce the new generation of rulers. Arizona says that the Queen Mother, the Queen, Prince Philip, Lady Fermoy, Diana’s father Earl Spencer, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles were all present when Diana was brought into the room.

Lady Diana Spencer (1961 - 1997), future Princess of Wales sheltering under an umbrella. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
She was wearing a white gown and a drug had been administered by Lady Fermoy. Diana was told that she should consider her union with Prince Charles as only a means to produce heirs and nothing else. Camilla Parker-Bowles was his consort, not her. Arizona says that Prince Philip and the Queen Mother then shape-shifted into reptiles to show Diana who they really were. ‘Diana was terrified, but quiet’, she said. Diana was told that if she ever revealed the truth about them, she would be killed. (Remember the guy I mentioned who had a call from Diana in the March before she died asking for his advice on how to reveal information about the royals that would ‘shake the world’?)
The Queen Mother told Diana at the ritual that “all ears” would be listening to everything she said and “all eyes” would forever be watching her. This is the classic ‘nowhere to run’ bind imposed on all mind controlled slaves. Does anyone believe, therefore, that they would allow Diana into the clutches of Mohamed Al Fayed if he was not under their control? The ritual also involved the use of a golden penis (Osiris symbolism) which was used on Diana to signify the ‘opening of the womb’. Arizona says it was of reptilian shape and size and had needle-like protrusions designed to superficially puncture the walls of the vagina and cause bleeding.
Diana was told that after this ritual, she would never be “honoured” again by attending their rituals and she was not to ask questions about them. Now do people understand why Diana suffered from bulimia and serious emotional problems from the time she married Charles?
Diana told Christine Fitzgerald that the Queen Mother was the power behind the Windsors, along with Prince Philip. But Philip was subordinate in the hierarchy to the Queen Mother, Diana said. The Queen Mother is connected to a long list of Brotherhood groups and societies and she is the head of the Inner Temple, the elite and highly secret society for the upper levels of the legal profession on the ‘former’ Knights Templar land at Temple Bar in London.
It was the Queen Mother and her close friend, Diana’s grandmother, Ruth Lady Fermoy, who manipulated Diana into the marriage with Prince Charles. This is why Diana was given quarters at the Queen Mother’s home, Clarence House, in the weeks before the wedding and she left from there to marry Charles at St Paul’s Cathedral.
“Diana used to tell me that the Queen Mother was evil”, Christine Fitzgerald said, “She actually used that word, evil. She said she hated the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother hated her.”
Most people in Britain will be astonished to read this because the Queen Mother’s propaganda has turned her into the nation’s favourite grandmother. “Oh yes, the Queen Mum, such a lovely, gentle, kind old lady.” But this woman is not what she is claimed to be. I can’t emphasize that enough.
During her time at Clarence House before the wedding, Diana says herself that she was being given drugs like the anti-depressant, Valium, to treat her bulimia. And what else were they giving her? “They drugged her”, Christine said “I’m sure of it, they had her doped from the start.” Christine had many conversations with Diana and she opened her heart about her nightmare life with the Windsors.
But Christine’s contacts through her work have given her access to other sources with inside knowledge of the British Royal Family, too. This was the first time Christine Fitzgerald had talked publicly about her experiences with Diana and what she knows of the reptilian agenda.
She told me:
“The Queen Mother… now that’s a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it’s lizard, because it’s cold-blooded, it’s much easier for them to do Frankenstein s*** than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents, it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.
They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. The Earth’s been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It’s been like a football for so long. This place was a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with everything, including the noxious gases.
They’re landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. The Queen Mother is “Chief Toad” of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the hangers on, don’t know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful.
“Balmoral is a very, very nasty place. That’s somewhere they want to dig underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don’t think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different people. Think of them as the same person which after a while has had to replace their coat. When the flesh dies, that energy, while it’s dying, will be immediately up someone else’s jacksy (backside). It’s very vampire, worse than vampire.
They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and suck you’re blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. Its like a holographic image. We are all minerals and water vibrating. This is all an illusion we are living in. That’s the secret. You know when the monarchy’s fallen, it’s not the end of it. They will manifest in another form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they have come to it.
The reason they are so threatened today is because the Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There are long centuries before it’s over yet. The difference this time is that it’ll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for less and the Earth people are going to get more.
But even though these reptilian ones are f******, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They’re just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren’t going to win. I can’t talk about this everywhere because they would just go ‘Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out’. But I want an end to the b*******.”
I was astonished to hear someone else talking about these subjects, which I knew from my own research to be true. She was not aware when she told me this of my own research into reptilians. Christine Fitzgerald, thanks to her insider contacts and her knowledge of metaphysics, had been able to grasp the biggest secret: that reptiles on another dimension are controlling the world by working through physical bodies which look human.
And also that the Windsors are one of these reptilian bloodlines. Christine also knew about the reptile Satanic rituals, the sexual rites and the widespread sacrifice of children. She said it is the pure essence of the pre-pubescent the reptiles want.
“If you looked at where all the castles are built and where there are a lot of street children in the Third World, they’re galloping it at the moment. They’re pulling the kids in en masse now.”
She said the reptiles want the children’s life essence because they can’t continue to manifest without that pure energy.
“The contaminated essence of us adults is not worth anything to them”, she said. “All the rituals, the knives, and sodomy, its that easy for these people to snatch a piece of your soul.”
Christine also spoke about the sex rituals and orgies involving the Windsors. The very word orgy comes from the Greek, orgia, meaning ‘secret worship’ and relates to the sexual rites of the ancient mystery religions. Christine said:
“There used to be an elect circle who took part in ritual orgies at Buckingham Palace. This was told to me by one of the participants. They were all couples. The lights used to go out at a certain time and they all swapped round and did their things. You know about the butler ringing the bell at six o’clock in the morning so that everyone goes back to their bed?
These people are nasty pieces of work, sweetheart, these people are nasty. Nothing you can think of can ever be as nasty as they really are. Diana used to say that if the world knew what they were really like, they wouldn’t want them, but I knew that. My chin was on the couch now, hearing about all these orgies at the palace. Just the laugh that these serious people who are going on like butter wouldn’t melt up their jacksy and they are carrying on like that.
But the sex thing is a big part of their rituals because it’s kundalini energy, see, which is the core, our generator. The orgies stopped because one of the couples died and they had an odd number and they didn’t want to bring in anyone else. So even that was ritual. Everything about them is ritual… all that heraldry, all that pomp and ceremony. Negative energy gets drawn to negative energy.”
Many of the Queen’s Ladies in Waiting have told Christine Fitzgerald about Prince Philip and his affairs.
“The royal family has got lots of black babies all over the world”, she says.
The recovered mind-slave Brice Taylor tells in her book, Thanks For The Memories, how she was forced to have sex with Philip and Charles. It is not without reason that the former British Intelligence officer, Peter Wright, said in his controversial book, Spycatcher, that “The palace had enjoyed several centuries of scandal burying.”
Christine said that another controversial book, The Royals, by the American author Kitty Kelly was true, but “She’s left out a lot of stuff, she’s been quite kind”. She’s not kidding as you will soon appreciate. Christine told me about other members of the royal clan including Prince Philip’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten, another Satanist. She said:
“Lord Mountbatten was a big s***, too. It was him who f***** up Charles and got him on the nasty road.”
So this is the family which hooked an unsuspecting 19-year-old and used her, in Diana’s words, as a “brood mare” to produce Windsor heirs with Spencer genes. But it was more than that. Much more.
Only a few weeks before this book went to press, and months after Christine gave me her information in England, I was contacted by a friend in the United States who was deprogramming a very high level mind controlled slave from Project Monarch. He believes her to be the highest ranked woman in the Satanic hierarchy in the United States and she was one of only three Mother Goddesses in the world. This is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene.
At the time my friend and Arizona had no idea what Christine Fitzgerald had said. Arizona had been programmed and trained since childhood to become a Mother Goddess who conducted Satanic rituals at the highest levels of the Brotherhood all over the world. She described to my friend the inside of many secret and underground facilities that he has personally seen. What she described was accurate every time. He also checked her story with other contacts and the truth of her memories was continually confirmed.
What she told my friend, and later told me on audio and video tape, supports the information supplied by other slaves and by Christine Fitzgerald about the Windsors and their true nature. Arizona said that she officiated at Satanic rituals at Glamis Castle in Tayside, Scotland, the childhood home of the Queen Mother, who still owns the property, and also at Balmoral, the Queen’s Scottish residence. The Brotherhood obsession with Scotland, she said, was because there are many entrances there into the inner-Earth where the physical reptilians live.
Glamis Castle is built on the site of an 11th century royal hunting lodge and the present building dates from around 1687. It is mentioned in the ‘Shakespeare’ story of Macbeth. Arizona said that the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne are present at the rituals and so is Charles’ girlfriend, Camilla Parker-Bowles. Doesn’t it all now start to make sense?
She said that during the sacrificial rituals the Queen wears a cloak of gold fabric inlaid with rubies and black onyx. The Queen and Charles have their own ritual goblets, inlaid with precious stones signifying their Illuminati-Brotherhood rank. The Mother Goddess says that the Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named ‘Pindar’ (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in the Satanic hierarchy.
This also supports a claim made to me by another recovered slave who said she had seen the Queen physically beaten by someone above her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles and Arizona says that Pindar is Charles’ real father. She said that the sacrificial victims used in the rituals at Glamis Castle are mostly under five years of age and the ceremonies are guarded by members of Scotland’s Black Watch. She also confirmed that Lord Mountbatten was a paedophile and that the Windsors are reptilians in human form. Her interview with me was taped, as were the ones with Christine Fitzgerald, and copies are now at various addresses.
The video interview with Arizona is available and details are at the back of the book. I stress that this Mother Goddess had no idea what Christine Fitzgerald had told me and yet their statements match again and again. Arizona says that Diana definitely knew that the Windsors were shape-shifting reptilians and Diana’s comments to Christine Fitzgerald support this.
Apparently, reptilians have been seen to shape-shift during sleep. Here is a summary of just some of what Arizona said about the royal family:
  • The Queen Mother: She’s cold, cold, cold, a nasty person. None of her cohorts even trusted her. They have named an altar (mind control programme) after her. They call it the Black Queen. I have seen her sacrifice people. I remember her pushing a knife into someone s rectum the night that two boys were sacrificed. One was 13 and the other 18. You need to forget that the Queen Mother appears to be a frail old woman. When she shape-shifts into a reptilian she becomes very tall and strong. Some of them are so strong they can rip out a heart and they all grow by several feet when they shape-shift.” (Exactly what the lady who saw Edward Heath said, among many others.)
  • The Queen: “I have seen her sacrifice people and eat their flesh and drink their blood. One time she got so excited with blood lust that she didn’t cut the victim’s throat from left to right in the normal ritual, she just went crazy, stabbing and ripping at the flesh after she’d shape-shifted into a reptilian. When she shape-shifts she has a long reptile face, almost like a beak, and she’s an off-white colour. The Queen Mother looks basically the same, but there are differences. (This description fits many depictions of the gods and ‘bird gods’ of ancient Egypt and elsewhere.) She also has like bumps on her head and her eyes are very frightening. She’s very aggressive.”
  • Prince Charles: “I’ve seen him shape-shift into a reptilian and do all the things the Queen does. I have seen him sacrifice children. There is a lot of rivalry between them for who gets to eat what part of the body and who gets to absorb the victim’s last breath and steal their soul. I have also seen Andrew participate and I have seen Prince Philip and Charles’ sister (Anne) at the rituals, but they didn’t participate when I was there. When Andrew shape-shifts, he looks more like one of the lizards. The royals are some of the worst, OK, as far as enjoying the killing, enjoying the sacrifice, and eating the flesh, they’re some of the worst of all of them. They don’t care who sees them at the rituals, they are what they are, they show it outright. They don’t care if you see it. Who are you going to tell, who is going to believe you? They feel that it is their birth-right and they love it. They love it.”
Given the evidence I have presented in this chapter about the background to Diana’s murder, I was not surprised to hear this Mother Goddess recall the following about Mohamed Al Fayed:
“I saw Mohammed Al Fayed at a ritual at the Mothers of Darkness castle in Belgium in the 1980s. The Queen and the Queen Mother were also there. The Queen Mother was talking to him and he was looking around as if he didn’t believe this sort of thing went on. It was on December 24th at the ritual of the old king and the new king. They didn’t let him in to see the worst of it. It was kind of like, ‘let’s introduce him into this’.
But he would have seen a baby being born and introduced as the new king and the sacrifice of an old man. The Queen Mother was there, the Queen, Pindar, Rothschilds, a lot of people I don’t know and a guy named Tony Blair. He was being groomed because my understanding of it was that people are picked out and groomed for certain positions.
And to be considered for those positions you have to accept the reality and the necessity and the sovereignty of the Illuminati, and that the reptilians run the show. Tony Blair’s attitude was like ‘I belong here’. Dodi Fayed’s father seemed bothered by it, but not Tony Blair. I remember seeing him talking to the royals about something. I have seen Blair, Al Fayed and the Royal Family at rituals at Balmoral as well.”
Once you know this astonishing background, the why, who and how of Diana’s murder become crystal clear. They were all in it together and still are. Diana’s murder had been planned for a long time, probably from birth, and it was in the 1980s, around the time Al Fayed was at the Mother of Darkness castle with the royal family and Tony Blair, that the flaming torch symbol was placed on top of the Pont de L’Alma tunnel.
Arizona said that Diana was a product of the multiple personality disorder programme, which she said would have started before she was five. She said Diana was also three months pregnant when she died. Diana would probably not have known this, she said, because the techniques the Brotherhood use often mean that the women continue to menstruate for some months before they are officially confirmed to be pregnant.
Arizona said that when she, herself, was artificially impregnated in a mind controlled state with Pindar’s sperm, she menstruated for three months before she was told by a doctor that she was more than three months pregnant. It could have been Pindar’s child and not Dodi Fayed’s, Arizona suggested.
“That is a really powerful sacrifice” she said, “to sacrifice a pregnant woman”.
If Diana was, as appears highly likely, a product of the mind control programme, those who plotted her murder could have ensured all that they required to play out their ritual to perfection.
She would have accepted the invitation from Al Fayed at the right time, fallen for Dodi Fayed, agreed to go to Paris for the night and so on. She could also have been, like Arizona, impregnated artificially and have no recollection of it. Arizona says that she knows that Diana was impregnated with Pindar’s sperm in this way to conceive her son William, the blond-haired, blue-eyed baby born on the summer solstice. And she is in no doubt that Diana was a ‘multiple’.
As she said:
“The things that she did with her eyes, like the eye rolling, is very, very common in multiples. Sometimes she’d be very shy and then suddenly she’s blossoming and she’s really social. These are the different altars (programmes) coming out, someone’s shy, someone’s not shy, someone’s angry, someone’s not angry. Then there was the weight gain and the weight loss.
The bulimia and the cutting herself are all signs of a multiple. Some are told that if you feel bad about yourself or you remember something, cut yourself. To me it was real obvious with Diana. Someone with this stuff just doesn’t announce to the world that something’s wrong, They spend their lives trying to hide it. ‘I was out grocery shopping’, or ‘I was out clothes shopping’, ‘I was taking a walk’, whatever, but you weren’t.”
The recovered mind-slave Brice Taylor confirms that Diana was a ‘multiple’ in her book, Thanks For The Memories, and she says that William and Harry are also. I think Dodi was another, thus making it child’s play to make he and Diana ‘fall in love’. The symbolism of Osiris, Isis and Horus, in the Pont d’Alma tunnel that night was also confirmed by Arizona. “Diana was Isis, Dodi Fayed was Osiris, and the child was Horus.
I don’t think it symbolised the birth of a child so much as the birth of an age the Age of Horus which begins by the year 2,000. This means the New World Order, the Age of Horus, the terrible child.” She said that the foetus would have been divided among certain high ranking leaders of the Brotherhood/ Illuminati and consumed in ritual.
She said that from her long experience of the rituals, she was sure that parts of Diana’s body would have been consumed also. Again I ask, is her body even on the island at Althorp Park? It makes you wonder what Tony Blair and the Royals were doing when they came together at Balmoral immediately after Diana’s death.
Another part of the ritual was that Diana was blond-haired and blue-eyed. Cathy O’Brien is the same, so is Arizona although she had dyed her hair to break that spell when I met her. She said that even when the Elite sacrifice cats they are blond-haired and blue-eyed. There is something about that genetic structure which is fundamental to them and this is the blood they need to survive in this dimension. At least most of the Monarch slaves have blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on this planet until the extraterrestrials came”, Arizona said.
Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her:
“It sounded outlandish at the time”, Christine said, “because she had the boys and they were little and I thought, no, they need her to bring the boys up.”
But there were to be many indications that Diana was indeed in danger from the Windsors and the Brotherhood in general. In the late 1980s with her marriage nothing more than a public show, Diana was having a relationship with her personal detective, Barry Mannakee, but he died in a motorcycle ‘accident’ in 1988.
By 1990, with the Gulf War threatening, Diana was having a relationship with Captain James Hewitt. One day, about this time, she went rushing into Christine’s healing centre in London in a terrible state. Christine remembers:
“She was crying hysterically and I said ‘What’s the matter?’ You know it was dog’s died stuff, bottom lip out, full sob. She came galloping through the door. I gave her rescue remedy, clutched her, hugged her, calmed her down, and said now tell me what’s going on. ‘I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it, they killed him, they killed him’ she sobbed. I said: ‘Who did they kill?’
She told me about her affair with the detective (Barry Mannakee) and how he was decapitated on a motorbike and how she thought it was a terrible accident. But now she knows the Royal Family killed him because Prince Charles’ senior detective had just told her that if she didn’t cool it with Hewitt, the same would happen to him. He told her she should not think that she was indispensable, either.”
Officially, Barry Mannakee died in a ‘road crash’. How dangerous the roads seem to be if the royals don’t like you. Christine said that Diana was very much in love with Mannakee and she had visited his grave regularly. Diana had, apparently, been unaware of his death at the time until she was being driven with Prince Charles to the airport to fly to the Cannes Film Festival. He waited until she was about to get out of the car in front of waiting photographers and he said:
“Oh, by the way, I got word from the Protection Unit yesterday that poor Barry Mannakee was killed. Some sort of motorcycle accident. Terrible shame, isn’t it?”
Diana burst into tears, but Charles said sarcastically: “Let’s go darling, your press awaits you.”61 I would emphasize again that the confirmation that Mannakee was murdered, and the personal threat to Diana, came from Prince Charles’ senior detective, according to the Princess. Would he be making statements and threats to her like that without the approval of Prince Charles? Of course not. In 1998 in the Independent Television documentary, Diana – Secrets Of The Crash, James Hewitt said that he too had been warned to stop seeing Diana or the consequences would not be pleasant.
He said:
“The telephone calls were anonymous, but left me in no doubt that they knew what the situation was. They were threatening. They said it was not conducive to my health to continue the relationship.”
He said that other warnings came from Diana’s personal police protection officers, the Royal Household, and a member of the Royal Family, whom he would not name:
“The (member of the Royal Family) said your relationship is known about. It is not supported, we cannot be responsible for your safety and security, and suggest that you curtail it forthwith.”
James Hewitt was further quoted in the London Times about these threats and his comments supported completely the story Diana had told Christine Fitzgerald. Hewitt said that his clearest warning came when he was told that he would suffer the same fate as Barry Mannakee.62
Does anyone still believe that the Windsors and their networks were not involved in the murder of Princess Diana? Or that they had prior knowledge and played an active role in the decision to assassinate the mother of William and Harry?
According to reports in the United States, Susan Barrantes, the mother of Sarah ‘Fergie’ Ferguson, had been telling friends that she thought Diana had been murdered in the weeks before she was decapitated in a mysterious car crash in Argentina on September 19th 1998.63 Confidential mail for Diana was delivered to Christine Fitzgerald and this included packages from a former member of the elite SAS who was concerned for Diana’s safety.
He was warning her of what was going on behind her back.” Half of M16 were on Diana’s side too you know”, Christine said. One day a client, who had involvement with the security agencies, saw some of these packages being delivered. Christine described what followed:
“She said I’m really worried for you, you don’t know what you’re getting involved in here. Diana’s basically mad, she’ll drop you in it, she will hang you out to dry, you’ll end up dead, your kids will end up dead, your cats, your business will be ruined. I couldn’t believe how she was carrying on. She was so full of hate. Diana came in the next day and I gave her the mail. I said not everyone who bows to you has your best interests at heart. I told her what happened and she went purple with rage. When she died, everybody came in and said ‘They bumped her off didn’t they?’ But that client was the only one who was outraged at the suggestion. I was checked out by M16, my phones were tapped, my house was burgled, the royal family kept a big check on me while I was dealing with Diana.”
Christine and her contacts have no doubt about what happened in Paris:
“She was bumped off, she was left to die at the roadside. Those responsible were above the elite of the army”, she said.
“It was not the ‘secret squirrels’ (British Intelligence)”, she understands, “it was above that”.
She said that “Mohamed Al Fayed ‘in his tortured little sense’ wants to be part of the reptilian power because ‘he likes all that’.”
Christine believes that Diana’s romance with Dodi was engineered. She said:
“Diana fell in love quite easily and he’s a master of the smile. She was unfortunate in her love affairs because she rescued others in her own distress. So the men she went for were all emotional cripples because she was a healer, too. Most people who went with Diana used her and I think Dodi did also. He would have used her for his ego, the contacts, and his dad. The Royal Family killed her for her light energy, especially when she was pregnant. I don’t believe she was as badly injured as they say. If they checked her body they would see that the scar the surgeons made starts at her pubis and goes right up to her throat.
They’ve even taken her thymus gland, the way we make interstellar communication. I know from the best sources that she was pregnant and they took the baby. Pieces of that foetus will have been delivered everywhere. They can make babies from the cells. Parts of her body will have been used in their rituals as well. Diana was always having Kensington Palace swept for bugs, but they had Dodi bugged and they knew exactly what was going on. This was not the first time she thought she was pregnant and this nearly happened before, but she wasn’t pregnant. That was with Hewitt.”
Christine Fitzgerald shared the most intimate details of Diana’s life and knew her in ways, and at levels, that very few others did. The incredible revelations of the Windsors’ treatment of Diana over so many years, the threats made to her by Prince Charles’ personal detective, the ritual sacrifices and the confirmation that they were responsible for the murder of Barry Mannakee, cannot be allowed to pass by.
There must be a campaign to press the Windsors to face these matters and for Al Fayed, Trevor Rees-Jones, Earl Spencer, and the others I have named, to answer the questions that have to be addressed. Power must be stripped from the Windsors, their royal dynasty dismantled, and their crimes against humanity publicly exposed. More than that, however, those in the political, security, and medical professions, who are also involved, must be equally exposed.
The Royal Family, Earl Spencer, and the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, have all dismissed claims that Diana was murdered and called for such suggestions to cease ‘for the sake of the boys’. The questions must not be allowed to be ignored or another Brotherhood assassination will have been achieved while those responsible go free. Earl Spencer went to the extent of issuing a statement on behalf of the Spencer family in February 1998 in which he asked:
“Is there any good in all this speculation? I ask that because there is clearly a lot of harm in it. All we, her family, ask is that Diana’s memory be respected, and that sensational speculation be left out of the public arena, where it undermines our aims to come to terms with her loss”.
When you see the evidence presented in this chapter while people like Earl Spencer and Tony Blair say there is no evidence of a conspiracy, what does that make you think? If Diana had been your sister would you not be determined to find out what happened? If you were Prime Minister when such a famous and much loved Princess had been killed, would you not insist that the truth be established? So why don’t they?
Diana’s relationship with her brother was less than harmonious to say the least. When you know the background, Earl Spencer’s famous speech at her funeral can be seen as a diatribe of hypocrisy So was his bitter condemnation of the media, in a statement after her death outside his home in Cape Town, a statement which, like Al Fayed’s, fueled the belief that the paparazzi were to blame for the crash.
Christine Fitzgerald said of him:
“Charles Spencer is a sh it, major sh it. He’s quite a spiteful little s***, too. When Diana was going through the trauma and really needed a new home, he said to her: ‘You’re not bringing your s*** down to me and mine.’ He wouldn’t even give her one of the houses. He’s not a powerful man at all. He knows he’s sniffing around something dangerous and powerful and so he’s attracted to it. Satanism goes on on the Spencer estate. Diana knew about it.”
Diana had a profound affect on millions of people as we saw after her death and they did not know the half of what she had to suffer after the Windsors sank their fangs. In many ways Diana was a mirror of Marilyn Monroe, used by the establishment and then cast aside and murdered. Marilyn had affairs with President Kennedy and, it seems, his brother, Bobby, and when she became dangerous and surplus to requirements she was killed because of what she knew.
In another of those remarkable examples of synchronicity there are many ‘coincidences’ that connect her life and Diana’s. They were both born on the first of the month and died at the age of 36 in August. They both married on the 29th of the month to men twelve years older. Marilyn called herself the Queen of Diamonds and Diana the Queen of Hearts. And both were the subject of the Elton John song, Candle In The Wind, which he sang at Diana’s funeral. Since Christine Fitzgerald first spoke to me the threat to destroy her business has been implemented.
Suddenly the phone stopped ringing and when I met her again she was seeing as many clients in a week as she had been in a day. This is unexplainable when you consider she is one of Britain’s most gifted and effective healers working in the centre of London. Unexplainable, that is, unless you know the story. But she told me she is determined the truth shall be known, whatever the authorities seek to do to her:
“I don’t want a war, I just want an end to the bullshit”, as she puts it.
Looking back on Diana’s life and their conversations together, she says:
“Poor cow, she was in a house where no-one gave a damn and it’s a terrible state of affairs. She was all alone in a nest of vipers. I used to just patch her up. She just found me and just came to me. I made her wait for a fortnight until I checked it out. They used to say that I was giving her anger therapy. I didn’t. I used to just listen to her, take it all in, and think Jesus Christ! But I didn’t think they would kill her. I can’t believe that this information is so close to home and yet they are still managing to keep it at bay. My room is the truth room and its a real place of safety and I don’t judge anyone on their s***, and that’s why I haven’t spoken about any of this in the past. She was as screwed up as anyone, you know, and if you are going to tell the truth, you have to tell the whole truth. She wasn’t crazy, she was mentally and physically abused, I feel, from a little girl. Her father was a nasty piece of work and her stepmother (Raine), too.
“The Royal Family were very afraid. She would have taken the public away from them, she would have taken the world from them gradually. They recognized her worth and fed off her in a psychic vampire way for a long time. All she wanted was to get married and have children you know, bless her little heart. She wanted to live out what she had never had. The world would have come to rights with Diana because, as f***** up as she was, she was a light being and wherever she went she manifested love. It was amazing. The sad thing was that she didn’t know she was doing that and she needed proof of her worth and she was looking in the wrong quarters for that. But when she tried to break away, we went out and did normal things. She did kung fu with my husband for five years. She wanted to be normal, to link arms and walk down the street. She knew where her heart lay. She really and truly did amazing things.”
Diana said she could not believe how cold the Windsors were and the public had a graphic example of this in the days after her death. They stayed out of sight at Balmoral in Scotland while the people mourned Diana in their tens of millions with an unprecedented explosion of grief. Only pressure from the public through the media forced the Queen, kicking and screaming, to make a cold, emotionless and pathetic ‘tribute’ to Diana on television the night before the funeral.
Cold is a word constantly used about the Queen, Philip, and Charles, and that’s the mental and emotional profile of the Brotherhood and its networks.
Bill Cooper said that the initiates that he met in his work for US Naval Intelligence had “No conscience, no morals, no regrets, no feelings, no emotion”. This is precisely the same character profile as the Windsors and, according to all the people I have met who have encountered them, the character profile of the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. There is a reason for that, of course.
The people have been hoodwinked for thousands of years. Hoodwinked about their history, hoodwinked about who they really are and the true nature of life. Hoodwinked about the true background and Agenda of those they have allowed to rule them. How apt, therefore, that this word should also derive from Freemasonry. Dr. Albert MacKey, the 33rd degree Freemason and foremost Freemason historian of the 19th century, defined the term ‘hoodwinked’ in his Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry as: A symbol of secrecy, silence and darkness, in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.
The human race has indeed been hoodwinked.
  1. The Top 13 llluminati Bloodlines, p 89.
  2. Ibid, p 90.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid, p 91-2.
  7. Ibid, p 89.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Secret And Suppressed, p 66.
  10. Ibid.
  11. Ibid, p 68.
  12. The Top 13 llluminati Bloodlines, p 94.
  13. Secret And Suppressed, p 80.
  14. The Top 13 llluminati Bloodlines, p 99.
  15. Ibid, p 102.
  16. Secret And Suppressed, pp 19, 65, 85.
  17. Ibid, p 66.
  18. Ibid.
  19. Ibid, p 65
  20. Ibid,p69.
  21. Andrew Morton, Diana, Her True Story (Michael O’Mara Books, London, 1992, republished as
    Diana: Her True Story In Her Own Words, 1997).
  22. Ibid.
  23. Ibid.
  24. The London Daily Mail, Thursday, August 27th 1998.
  25. Ibid.
  26. Diana: Her True Story
  27. Ibid.
  28. Ibid.
  29. Private Eye magazine, No 956, Friday, August 7th 1998, p 5.
  30. Tom Bower, Fayed, The Unauthodsed Biography (Macmillan, London, 1998).
  31. Ibid, p 22.
  32. The London Daily Mail, Friday, June 26th 1998.
  33. Simon Reagan, Who Killed Diana? (a Scallywag publication, Amsterdam, 1998), p 57.
  34. Ibid, p 62.
  35. The News Of The World, Sunday, January 18th 1998, pp 18, 19.
  36. Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam, Who Killed Diana?, p 17.
  37. Dispatches, Channel Four, June 1998.
  38. Ibid.
  39. Ibid.
  40. Fayed, The Unauthorised Biography, p 425.
  41. Ibid, p 420.
  42. Ibid, p 421.
  43. Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam, Who Killed Diana?, p 64.
  44. Ibid, pp 73, 74.
  45. Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (Carrol and Graf Publishers, New York, 1989), p 382.
  46. Dispatches.
  47. Diana – Secrets Of The Crash, Imi, 1998.
  48. “Diana, the Unsolved Mystery”, News Of The World News Special, January 18th 1998.
  49. The information about David Sands death comes from the Tony Collins book, Open Verdict, an account of 25 mysterious deaths in the defence industry (Sphere Books, London, 1990).
  50. Sir Peter Horsley, Sounds From Another Room (Leo Cooper, England, 1997). The story is also told by Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam in Who Killed Diana?, pp 126-133.
  51. Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam, Who Killed Diana? (Vision Paperbacks, London, 1999), pp 175-177.
  52. The News Of The World, News Special, January 18th 1998.
  53. Daily Mirror, Monday, March 2nd 1998, p 2.
  54. London Daily Mail, August 29th 1998, pp 1, 2.
  55. Dispatches.
  56. Peter Hounam and Derek McAdam, Who Killed Diana?, p 145.
  57. Quoted in Blasphemous Rumours, p 212.
  58. The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, p 64.
  59. “Fayed’s rooftop flame of love for Dodi and Diana”, London Daily Express, Friday, July 24th 1998, p 3.
  60. The Women’s Encyclopaedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 543.
  61. Kitty Kelly, The Royals (Warner Books, New York, 1997), p 347
  62. The Times, Wednesday, June 3rd 1998.
  63. “Fergie’s Mom Was Murdered”, The Globe, October 6th 1988.s

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Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV.This website is dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36 years researching Bible, History, Secret Societies, Symbolism and many other topics that are not reported by mainstream media.